Dentistry Huddle

What Is Omni-Channel Billing & Why Are DSOs Now Using It?

Our article on Group Dentistry Now dives into the world of DSO billing strategy and the tools that leading DSOs and practices are using to improve profitability.

What Is Omni-Channel Billing & Why Are DSOs Now Using It?

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Omni-Channel Billing, DSOs, and Practice Profitability

Within the dental industry, DSOs wield tremendous sway when it comes to practice outcomes. With their ability to negotiate lower costs, attract early career dental professionals, and expand their blueprint to a wide network of practices, one would think that their powerhouse presence would come hand-in-hand with efficiency.

But under the hood, many DSOs are still traditionalists when it comes to one of the most important components of practice profitability: RCM.

In this article (hosted by Group Dentistry Now), we dive into the modern omni-channel billing strategy that leading DSOs are deploying to drive efficiency and re-orient RCM staff time at their locations.

What you'll learn in this article:

  1. What omni-channel billing is and how do DSOs use it
  2. The best practices for setting up an omni-channel strategy
  3. How The Smilist is embracing omni-channel billing to improve collection rates at their offices
  4. The best dental software tools on the market for leveraging omni-channel approaches

👉 Read the post on Group Dentistry Now

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